Rebeca Andrade brilha e conquista medalha de prata no Mundial de Ginástica Artística – Confira o resultado incrível!

Rebeca Andrade shines and wins silver medal at the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships - Check out the incredible result!






Rebeca Andrade wins silver medal at Artistic Gymnastics World Championships

Rebeca Andrade established herself as one of the big names in artistic gymnastics by winning the silver medal in the individual all-around at the World Championships, held in Antwerp, Belgium. The Brazilian athlete scored 56.766 points in the all-around, second only to the USA's Simone Biles, who scored 58.399 points. Shilese Jones, also from the United States, completed the podium with 56,332 points. Flávia Saraiva, another Brazilian representative, finished in 15th place with 52.699 points.

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This is another great result for Rebeca Andrade, who in recent years has won silver at the Tokyo Olympics in 2021 and gold at the World Championships in Liverpool in 2022.


"We are delighted to see Brazil once again occupying privileged positions in important competitions. This signals that we have great prospects of shining again at the Olympic Games in Paris. Artistic Gymnastics in Brazil is a reality that makes us proud and rewards the efforts of an entire community that is passionate about this sport in the country," said Luciene Resende, president of the Brazilian Gymnastics Confederation (CBG).

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